Mohair Cinch with Leather Center, 31-strand Roper HOME CINCHES Hello! Welcome to Classic Equine. This site is not fully supported in Internet Explorer 11 (and earlier) versions. As an alternative, you can use either of the options below to browse the site: Use Google Chrome browser. Here is the download link. Use Firefox browser. Here is the download link. Use Microsoft Edge browser. Here is the download link. Thanks. sale new Share: Mohair Cinch with Leather Center, 31-strand Roper $99.99 Find your nearest dealer here SKU: CRC100N31-28 Type: ROPER 31-STRAND Style: LEATHER CENTER Size: 28-INCH Color: NATURAL UPC: 610393102627 Type Style Size - SELECT YOUR SIZE - 28-inch 30-inch 32-inch 34-inch 36-inch Color Add to Cart Description Made with 31 strands of 100% mohair fiber that is naturally soft, breathable, and extra wide to help prevent soreness. Incredibly strong yet expands with movement, providing comfort for the horse and security for the rider. Stainless steel hardware with one roller buckle for easier cinching. We found a dealer near you! View more dealers here Thank You.Item has been added to your cart. QTY: 1SUB TOTAL: Continue Shopping View Shopping Cart