AirWave EZ Wrap II Splint Boots, Front HOME LEG BOOTS Hello! Welcome to Classic Equine. This site is not fully supported in Internet Explorer 11 (and earlier) versions. As an alternative, you can use either of the options below to browse the site: Use Google Chrome browser. Here is the download link. Use Firefox browser. Here is the download link. Use Microsoft Edge browser. Here is the download link. Thanks. sale new Share: AirWave EZ Wrap II Splint Boots, Front $49.99 Find your nearest dealer here SKU: AWEW100BK Type: FRONT Size: ONE SIZE Color: BLACK UPC: 610393103990 Type Style Color Add to Cart Description The Classic Equine AirWave provides full, even support to your horse's legs for the show arena in a cool, breathable design that is user-friendly. The perforated foam body actively draws heat away from the leg while a tough, flexible mesh covering adds protection and durability, greatly extending the life of the boot. AirWave's clean, ergonomic fit is attractive without sacrificing protection. The AirWave EZ Wrap II is a breathable splint boot with an ergonomic fit for use in practice or the show pen. The splint and sesamoid bones stay protected with this durable boot. The elastic straps provide full, even support around the entire leg. These boots are a quick and easy on and off. Available in black and a standard size, so a "one size fits most." We found a dealer near you! View more dealers here Thank You.Item has been added to your cart. QTY: 1SUB TOTAL: Continue Shopping View Shopping Cart